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 306-783-7233(SAFE)  1-888-783-3111
24 Hour Support

Services Available

All services are free and provided with the utmost confidentiality. For your protection, our address is not published online or listed in the phone book. If you would like to join us, please call 306-783-7233 or toll-free 1-888-783-3111 for help in locating our house.

Again, we welcome women and their children 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Although this women’s shelter is based in Yorkton, Saskatchewan, we can help you transfer to any transition house in Canada.


In-House Service

If you are ready to join us, there is nothing you need to bring except yourself and your children if you believe their safety may be in jeopardy. We will provide you with all the basic living essentials, including shelter, food, clothing, support, and referrals. Your length of stay is dependent on your needs.

The staff at the Shelwin House will recognize your individual strengths and help you to rebuild yourself, your self-confidence, self-esteem, as well as your acceptance of self and others. We can educate you about the cycle of violence and help support your recovery.


24-Hour Support

With telephone lines open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, Shelwin House is available to women looking to escape an abusive relationship. We can help talk you through the process, offer suggestions, and provide directions to our house in Yorkton.

If you are ready to end the cycle of abuse, please call us at one of the following telephone numbers:

Local: 306-783-7233 or Toll-free: 1-888-783-3111.


Connect with Survivors

At Shelwin House, we believe one of the best ways to end the cycle of spousal and relationship abuse is to share your experience with others. Here, you can bring out your strengths as part of our community and network. We offer several outreach services, all of which are absolutely free to survivors of interpersonal violence.


Our Crossroads support group holds two sessions every Thursday. This group is designed for women who are currently experiencing — or have experienced — interpersonal violence.

The sessions take place every Thursday – except holidays. The sessions have moved. Please call Shelwin House for information.

The Afternoon sessions run from 1:15 PM through 2:30 PM (CT). The  Evening sessions are from 6:30 PM through 8:00 PM (CT). Since these sessions are for adults only, NO CHILDCARE IS PROVIDED. For more information, please call 306-782-5181, 306-783-7233 or toll-free 1-888-783-3111.


If you are unable to attend Crossroads and need to speak to someone, please phone our 24-hour line at 306-783-7233 or toll-free at 1-888-783-3111.





Shelwin House Outreach Program

The Outreach Program is expanded under https://shelwinhouse.ca/education/

Shelwin House Outreach Program aims towards a violence-free society by creating awareness about abuse and violence through education. Our outreach staff is available for presentations on all the themes listed at no cost to you.



In addition to 24-hour counselling, shelter and weekly support groups, Shelwin House can also put you into contact with a number of agencies to help ensure your success. Shelwin House provides referrals to:

  • Advocacy Groups
  • Legal Aid
  • Social Services
  • Police Support

To request a referral or support, please call Shelwin House in Yorkton. We are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Shelwin House | |306-783-7233(SAFE) |1-888-783-3111 |